RRB Patna Admit Card 2014 Download www.rrbpatna.gov.in
Dear applicants and aspiring candidates, we are happy to declare the dates for the written examinations 2014-2015 for the post of ALP, CC-TC, Accounts Clerk, Jr. Clerk, ALP, JE, HI Gr III & Pharmacist Gr III, CMA Gr-I, Chief Depot Material, Occupational Therapist, Group D, DEE, Ticket Collector, Loco Pilot, Para Medical, Staff Nurse, TA/Goods Guard, Goods Guard, Stenographer, Group C, Jr Engineer, Sr Engineer, Technician, Assistant Loco Pilot and various vacancies. RRB Patna will soon send the admit cards to all the applicants via post. Also the link to download the same a link will be available on our website.
Please note the download procedure for rrb patna admit card 2014:
• Please go the website -www.rrbpatna.gov.in
• On the navigation side you will find the link saying hall ticket. Please click on it.
• Please enter the roll number on the blank space and press the enter key.
• Once this it done the hall ticket will appear on your screen.
• On the bottom of the page you can find the download tab. Click on it and save it on your computer.
• You need to present this admit card at the examination hall. If failed to present then you will not be allowed to take the examination.
Selection Procedure:
All candidates will have give a psychological test after they clear the written exam. A viva-voce cum interview/verification of documents will also be conducted for the candidates who will be successful in the above examinations. As per guidelines of Railways Ministry, only candidates of some categories will face the interviews. After this the panel will recommend the names for appointment in the respective Railway Recruitment Board.
Dear applicants if you want to get regular notifications of vacancies released by RRC Patna and want to receive all the updates related to result, admit card, recruitment, jobs, exam syllabus, employments, admission forms, notification, application form, entrance exam 2014-15 via email then please subscribe with us for newsletters at our website www.naukrisms.com.
Dear applicants and aspiring candidates, we are happy to declare the dates for the written examinations 2014-2015 for the post of ALP, CC-TC, Accounts Clerk, Jr. Clerk, ALP, JE, HI Gr III & Pharmacist Gr III, CMA Gr-I, Chief Depot Material, Occupational Therapist, Group D, DEE, Ticket Collector, Loco Pilot, Para Medical, Staff Nurse, TA/Goods Guard, Goods Guard, Stenographer, Group C, Jr Engineer, Sr Engineer, Technician, Assistant Loco Pilot and various vacancies. RRB Patna will soon send the admit cards to all the applicants via post. Also the link to download the same a link will be available on our website.
Please note the download procedure for rrb patna admit card 2014:
• Please go the website -
• On the navigation side you will find the link saying hall ticket. Please click on it.
• Please enter the roll number on the blank space and press the enter key.
• Once this it done the hall ticket will appear on your screen.
• On the bottom of the page you can find the download tab. Click on it and save it on your computer.
• You need to present this admit card at the examination hall. If failed to present then you will not be allowed to take the examination.
Selection Procedure:
All candidates will have give a psychological test after they clear the written exam. A viva-voce cum interview/verification of documents will also be conducted for the candidates who will be successful in the above examinations. As per guidelines of Railways Ministry, only candidates of some categories will face the interviews. After this the panel will recommend the names for appointment in the respective Railway Recruitment Board.
Dear applicants if you want to get regular notifications of vacancies released by RRC Patna and want to receive all the updates related to result, admit card, recruitment, jobs, exam syllabus, employments, admission forms, notification, application form, entrance exam 2014-15 via email then please subscribe with us for newsletters at our website www.naukrisms.com.
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